Here’s What we’re about
This is training from EXPERIENCE, not theory. Anyone teaching on this platform has years of success doing what they teach.
The subscription plan for both the Leadership and Sales training is weekly because after years of paying for high-priced consultants to come in and train, without regular weekly follow up, business just goes back to normal. Stores who grow best on this program watch the videos every single week and have a discussion afterwards about how it relates to THEIR team in THEIR market.
Jimmy DeGroot
Here’s How it works:
Every week we post a new training video and you’ll receive an email message telling you your new weekly training is here. You do not need this email however, it’s simply a nudge. You click on the link and log in to your account, and now you can show the training video to your staff or just have them watch it on their own time whenever and wherever they like. Each video is 10 to 15 minutes in length to allow for a discussion and game plan afterward before the store opens. Each training comes with assisted notes and a quiz or discussion topics. This forces your staff to engage and discuss the topics.